The control panel (fire station) is an integral part of fire detection and fire alarm systems, which aims to provide and supervise the work of other system components. Receives and processes signals from fire detection devices, provides the operating modes of the system triggers audible and light, but also may inform the central alarm and distance to store information about events occurred. With control panel specialized software can be configured to react in certain ways and perform specific functions in the new event. The control panel is powered by the AC, but requires a backup power that allows the system to power outages. Very often, it is by two pieces of batteries 12 V. supplementary feeding can be placed on the panel or is configured as a separate unit, which is especially suitable for larger systems with aggregate consumption.
Four access levels are available when working with panel that allows the detection of fire for a series of rights to different operators to monitor, diagnose and modify your system settings. Access Level 1 is the minimum rights, while Level 4, all possible measures are allowed. Log in to be at a certain level is password protected, which should be different from other operators may work with the system. Fire station to demonstrate FDS status signals after treatment devices that the system is defined by algorithms. According to most modern-day standards, scanning, signal processing and decision making fire alarm signaling devices shall take place no more Than 10 seconds.
The following are possible modes of the system:
• Normal state (Normal / Quiescent condition)
• Fire (Fire)
• Failure (Fault)
• Exclusion devices / functions (Disablement)
• Verification (Test)
Firehouse State may be a combination of the two methods, except the first. The spaces must be marked with lights to green (normal), red (fire) or yellow (Damage), accompanied by a short text on individual circumstances. Systems, "Fire"; and "damage", a beep can be launched, derived from the panel (built-in buzzer) or included in the system of sirens or fire bells. May be the same fire and a technical failure. If the system includes a strobe / flash bulbs but are also activated. Sound and lighting can be excluded from the button corresponding damping, which is activated at any time after the entry level.
For control panels that support the indication of areas of light, a area or areas in the alarm mode is indicated by LEDs on the panel. If the fire station has a display, alarm areas are indicated by the status message text. When "Fire" so that the panel to normal operation after setting the "Reset", which in most cases, is present in the switch of two levels of access and more. The control panel can send alarm signals to a remote center of compliance - security company or a fire. This is done through various improvements - Dialer, modem or Ethernet module. These devices use different methods for transferring data - marker modem to use the phone line, Ethernet module - a local computer network or the Internet.
To verify the alarm received - if there really is a fire or a malfunction or false bedding, there is an option for some sub-modes - Timing and confirmation of the alarm. In Africa the delay mode, there is a delay for the system is in "Fire"; mode, to perform a system check, and then only light and sound alarm devices activated. In case of fire detected by humans, fire alarm can be activated by pressing one of the fire detectors or manually by the operator with the lowest level of access.
Sub-mode Confirmation of alarm permits beds in a detection system must be confirmed by the same or different detectors in the region and only then put the fire detection system in" Fire "mode. This sub- mode is also possible in cross zoning method (intersection of two lines of sensor cable), where the "Fire“ is activated after the simultaneous or within a certain range of bedding planes in two lines. Reduction of false beds at night is possible with the use of "day" and "the ways in which it is assigned the detection system sensitivity differently in the two sub-modes. In the Day mode detectors are less sensitive than at night, since many activities during the day can cause false alarms.
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